Environment, heritage and open space
Local residents have told us they want to improve Harlesden's environment by making it generally greener and providing more access to open spaces. Not only will the local community benefit from this but it will also improve perceptions of the area by visitors and those passing through.
Harlesden has many assets including several listed buildings, a conservation area and to top that, part of the centre is an archaeological priority area.
There are a many tree-lined residential roads with lots of greenery. However, most of the neighbourhood has very poor access to open space and suffers from a lack of street greenery.
But all is not lost because there is scope for improvement.

Neighbourhood Plan policies and aspirations
The Neighbourhood Plan includes the following policies and aspirations (aspirations are indications of what the Forum would like to do or see that cannot be defined as planning policies)
New public open space will be sought – policy
The Forum will work with other community groups and Brent Council to improve Roundwood Park Annexe – aspiration
New residential developments will be encouraged to provide food growing space – policy
Safe play provision will be increased and improved – policy and aspiration (identification of potential locations)
Ten local buildings have been identified as non-designated heritage assets:
St Margaret's & St George’s, 67 Craven Park Road
Harlesden Library, 53 Craven Park Road
Harlesden Baptist Church, 27 Acton Lane
The Shawl, 27 High Street
All Souls Church Vicarage, 3 Station Road
Postal Delivery Office, 32-44 Station Road
Vacant HSBC building, 60 High Street
Le Junction, 47 Station Road
Public art (The Workers) at junction of Rucklidge Avenue & Park Parade
Church of God of Prophecy, 224 High Street (now the Eritreatn Orthodox Tewahdo Church)
Subject to development, a new ‘town square’ will be sought on the Harlesden Plaza site – policy
CIL funding will be sought to improve the principal gateways to Harlesden – policy
The provision of public art will be sought on the development of key, large sites and open spaces – policy
Trees lost to development should be replaced, and CIL funding will be sought to provide more trees – policy
Restrictions on tall buildings in certain parts of the Forum area – policy

The diagram above demonstrates that the north-eastern part of Harlesden has good access to Roundwood Park,
Roundwood Park is within a reasonable walking distance of fewer than half the area’s residents. The area to the south and west is very deficient in open space.

Further reading
Elsewhere on this website you can find:
More information about the neighbourhood planning process and neighbourhood planning FAQs
Summaries of key chapters of the Neighbourhood Plan: